Bois Bernard Private Hospital
Making appointments: 03 21 79 26 56
Secretariat: 03 21 79 26 36
Your most frequently asked questions
Many Websites address technical topics.
The answers to the simplest questions are often missing.
Should I have surgery?
Is there an alternative? or Wait?
If I have to have an operation... I have a lot of issues...
What am I going to do next? My work ? My family ?
Drive my car? My garden ? My holidays ? The resumption of sport?
My hospitalization? My recovery? Should rehabilitation be planned?
How much does it cost ? etc., etc...
When will I be healed?
Remember to write down your questions, so as not to forget them during the consultation.
Your questions
Our answers
intervention surgery is indicated in 10% of cases
Post-operative: PAIN IS CONTROLLED
An estimate is given to you before the intervention
A few answers...
The evolution towards cure, or improvement does not always require surgery. Sometimes surgery is not helpful. In other situations, it may be suggested by your surgeon. Shoulder pathologies are generally chronic pathologies. Surgery is rarely urgent. A possible surgical intervention may be scheduled in the coming months. You will have time to organize yourself with your family, your employer, your parents, your children...
On the other hand, your involvement in the care process is essential. Most often, rehabilitation is necessary, as well as the implementation of some precautions for joint rest (with or without surgery).
ERAS (Enhanced Recovery After Surgery)is the current standard to allow you to return to the desired state. The RAAC aims to heal you, by removing pain and disability, by helping you regain your abilities as quickly as possible. professional, an adapted social life, and access to leisure again...
In case of surgery:
Would I be improved?
YES: the goal of surgery is to improve you. Almost always, this improvement is seen
No surgeon, no doctor has ever done better than nature
A surgical gesture is a gesture of repair
Sometimes, the good result is delayed by difficult consequences: stiffness, capsulitis, algoneurodystrophy etc.
Even if the result remains generally satisfactory, some after-effects may persist (loss of strength, stiffness, etc.)
The intervention presents risks?
YES : like a drug treatment, a surgical procedure presents risks
Lack of treatment is often more risky
The risks are assessed by your surgeon and your anesthetist: They are correlated to your state of health
Identified risks may lead to the contraindication of an intervention
Before your hospitalization?
An anesthesia consultation is mandatory .
The purpose of this consultation is to assess your state of health and prevent possible risks.
Some of your treatments will sometimes be stopped (Anticoagulants and Psychotropics)
After the age of 50, a cardiology consultation is necessary
My hospitalization?
Hospitalization is as short as possible
It very often takes place in AMBULATORY (I do not sleep in the hospital)
1 to 2 nights of hospitalization for certain procedures (joint prostheses)
1 night of hospitalization if your state of health requires monitoring
My recovery?
I return to my home. The need for a rehabilitation center is exceptional.
A rest period will be observed
Following certain interventions, I will be temporarily immobilized (three to four weeks)
Rehabilitation is started two to three days after the invention
My rehabilitation?
It is started as soon as possible
Sometimes it's just self-rehabilitation.
Sometimes a physiotherapist is needed. A prescription is given to you before your outing
in the case of difficulty moving, the first part of rehabilitation can be done at home with the physiotherapist.
My work ?
The cessation of professional activity is generally three months
The objective is to allow you to continue your profession, This objective is achieved most often
Some work activities can be resumed more quickly
Some jobs with high physical strain can lead to a request for the adaptation of the workstation, and more rarely to a professional retraining depending on your age and the intervention carried out.
My autonomy?
Generally, the autonomy is not very disturbed
It is preferable to be surrounded by a third party during the first 4 weeks after the intervention
Tasks of daily life are generally possible (Toilet, prepare meals, get dressed)
For the most isolated and dependent people, the prescription of home help is possible
Drive my car?
Generally, driving a vehicle is unreasonable for the first three weeks
For interventions requiring immobilization and rehabilitation, driving becomes possible at the sixth post-operative week.
Cultivate my garden? Tinker...
Leisure activities are generally resumed gradually when rehabilitation has made it possible to obtain autonomy, i.e.: around the sixth post-operative week
Manual activity is beneficial, but should not generate painful or inflammatory symptoms
My holidays ?
Postoperative convalescence does not prohibit holidays if care and rehabilitation can be provided
Self-rehabilitation in the pool is often beneficial
The preferred transport will be the train and the plane
The resumption of sport?
The sport is resumed when you have regained good aptitude and the absence of pain
Soft sports or physical maintenance activities can be resumed gradually at the 10th week
Risky sports (climbing, contact, combat), as well as competition will not be resumed before the third month and after consulting your surgeon
Your questions require a Consultation
The right answers are built TOGETHER