Bois Bernard Private Hospital
Making appointments: 03 21 79 26 56
Secretariat: 03 21 79 26 36
I Participate...I Cooperate...To get the best result
My Self-rehabilitation
Rehabilitation is essential. It fits into the concept of Accelerated Recovery After Surgery (RAAC) . Sometimes this rehabilitation is necessary before surgery. and Sometimes, an excellent rehabilitation can compensate for a surgical procedure.
Rehabilitation requires your involvement in the care procedure, and your "desire to heal".
It can be done independently, or also with the help of your physiotherapist (a prescription is given to you by your surgeon).
Hospitalization in a Rehabilitation Center is EXCEPTIONALLY necessary.
a joint is made to move. A joint that does not work becomes stiff. The pain causes reflex contractions of certain muscles and leads to posture defects. If the shoulder moves as a whole, the gliding planes are no longer used, adhesions set in and the shoulder becomes stiff. This can lead to painful phenomena (algodystrophy), or even the installation of adhesive capsulitis (frozen shoulder). This development can sometimes delay healing for several months.
It's the vicious stiffness/pain cycle.
Your desire to heal, your investment in rehabilitation will allow rapid access to healing.
Only this personal work will prevent you from stiffness and the appearance of bad reflex attitudes. This self-rehabilitation is based on the education of exercises. The healthcare team will help you with this education and will check your complete understanding. The care team will make you aware that you are going to become your own re-educator.
Your rehabilitation (with your physiotherapist), or your self-rehabilitation should not generate significant pain.
Apart from the more or less complex surgical procedure, each situation is different: Your tolerance to pain, anxiety, overly enterprising character...
“Doing nothing or letting go” will lead to stiffness and delayed healing.
“Forcing too much and suffering needlessly” will result in pain that delays healing.
Everything is going smoothly with confidence.
The self-rehabilitation is started only after the agreement of your surgeon or your physiotherapist
Self-rehabilitation is started when you have fully understood the principles
Self-rehabilitation is not a competition
"The Cowboy"
This is the work in pendulum.
Sit on a chair, legs apart.
The operated arm is left to hang between the legs.
The shoulder should be released and lowered.
Make circular movements. (circles)
Swing side to side and front to back.
Possible 8 days after the operation
"The hen"
In a seated position.
cross your hands on your stomach, dropping your elbows to the side
gently move the elbows forward, keeping the hands still
drop your elbows
Possible 15 days after the operation
"I'm going for a walk
Dangling Arms"
Possible 15 days after the operation
I'm going for a walk in Les Bras Swings.
I carefully remove my splint. (The Dujarrier)
Before this walk, relax your neck then let your shoulder go down and back.
While walking, try to feel the natural swing of your shoulder, arm dropping as if asleep.
In a seated position.
drop your arm out to the side with an outstretched elbow.
wait until you feel your arm supple and relaxed.
Gently rotate your thumb backwards as far as possible.
wait a few seconds.
come back to the starting position push slightly forward.
Gently rotate your thumb as far back as possible, this time turning it outwards.
Possible 15 days after the operation
"The Helped Elevation"
You have to lie on your back, on the bed, knees bent,
The shoulder should be relaxed.
For the climb: act as if the affected arm were asleep.
Relax. The elbow is stretched.
Take the wrist of the operated arm with the other hand.
Gently raise the operated arm using the other arm. The elbow should remain straight. The "sleeping" arm should not try to help the movement . He must remain heavy as if paralyzed. (It is a so-called PASSIVE work)
For the descent: The operated arm pushes down against the other hand which resists the descent. This movement should be slow and continuous. The other hand should resist until the arm comes back on the bed. For the descent of the arm, it is no longer considered asleep since it pushes the other hand. (It is an ACTIVE work, but does not solicit the operated tendons)
Possible 1 month after the operation
"The Gymnast"
Sit on a chair.
the palms of both hands rest on the edges of the chair.
- Put your shoulders back and lift your chest.
- Press down ( 5 presses of 6 seconds)
- this exercise should not be painful.
- The pressure will be gradually increased until you can lift the buttocks off the chair.
Possible 1 month after the operation
My physiotherapist is a
The role of the Physiotherapist is to help you regain painless use of your shoulder.
It provides analgesic control.
It helps you first to regain flexibility and good mobility (by a so-called "passive" helps you). Secondarily an "active" work is started to give you autonomy. Don't waste time, BUT don't go too fast.
Finally, muscle strengthening is established.
he will refer you to your surgeon if he notices an abnormal development.